allen building study-in
By Hadeel Abdelhy
On Monday, November 13, 1967, thirty-five African American students from the Afro-American Society staged a “study-in” in front of President Knight's office to denounce the continued use of segregated facilities by student groups as well as Dr. Knight’s membership in the segregated Hope Valley Country Club.[1] This protest led to Knight’s withdrawal from the club and a university anti-segregation policy. This event is worth memorializing because the segregation of Duke did not end with the acceptance of the first black students; rather, it remains an ongoing struggle that merits recognition.
[1]. The Duke Chronicle, Volume 63, Number 29. “Afro-Americans hold sit-in by Knight’s office: SFAC acts on use of segregated facilities in response to protest.” November 13, 1967, Duke University Archives,